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In English, И has 2 different meanings It can only be used as character meaning the tenth letter of the Russian alphabet, called и (i), and written in the Cyrillic script. When used as noun it is the name of the Cyrillic script letter И. or even the name of the Latin-script letter I/{{{4}}}.
It evolved from 1 origin. Comes from Greek Η .

"И" usage examples

Sentences containing И to see its usage in context.

Russian English
духSpirit отрицаньяdenial , духthe spirit сомненьяdoubt На духаspirit чистогоPure взиралlooked down Иand жарheat невольныйThe involuntary умиленьяtenderness Впервыеfirst смутноvaguely познавалknew .
The spirit of denial, the spirit of doubt looked at the pure spirit And the heat of involuntary tenderness For the first time dimly recognized.
« ПростиSorry , » онHe рёкRyok , « тебя я видел , Иand тыyou недаромnot without reason мнеI сиялshone : Неnot всёeverything яI в небеsky ненавиделhated , Неnot всёall яI в миреworld презиралdespised . »
“Forgive me,” he said, “I saw you, And it was not for nothing that you shone to me: I didn’t hate everything in the sky, I didn’t despise everything in the world.”