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In English, на has 2 different meanings When used as preposition it is [with accusative] but it can also mean [with prepositional] It can only be used as interjection meaning here you go! (encouraging someone to accept something, used when giving or providing something, i.e., "take it!", "here you goǃ")
It evolved from 2 origins. Comes from Proto-Slavic *na. Comes from Proto-Indo-European *h₂en-.

"на" usage examples

Sentences containing на to see its usage in context.

Russian English
выходилаwent out наon берегshore КатюшаKatyusha , наon высокийhigh берегshore наon крутойsteep .
Katyusha came ashore, onto a high bank on a steep one.
иAnd бойцуfighter наon дальнемdistant пограничьеborder guards от КатюшиKatyusha передайpass приветHello .
And say hello to the fighter on the far border from Katyusha.