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In English, не has 3 different meanings When used as particle it is not, no, -n't, without but it can also mean idiomatic negative usage, perhaps not, whether ... or not or even will never (implying impossibility to do something)It has no meanings. It can only be used as interjection meaning no (used to show disagreement or negation)
It evolved from 1 origin. Comes from Proto-Indo-European *ne.

"не" usage examples

Sentences containing не to see its usage in context.

Russian English
любовьLove ещёmore , бытьto be можетcan , вin душеsoul моейof my угаслаfaded неnot совсемcompletely ;
love may not have died out completely in my soul;
ноbut пустьlet онаshe васyou большеmore неnot тревожитdisturb you ;
But let it not disturb you any more;
яI неnot хочуwant печалитьsorrow васyou ничемwith nothing .
I do not want to sadden you with anything.