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In English, мире has 2 different meanings It can only be used as noun meaning prepositional singular of мир (mir) It can only be used as noun meaning prepositional singular of ми́ро (míro)

"мире" usage examples

Sentences containing мире to see its usage in context.

Russian English
« ПростиSorry , » онHe рёкRyok , « тебя я видел , Иand тыyou недаромnot without reason мнеI сиялshone : Неnot всёeverything яI в небеsky ненавиделhated , Неnot всёall яI в миреworld презиралdespised . »
“Forgive me,” he said, “I saw you, And it was not for nothing that you shone to me: I didn’t hate everything in the sky, I didn’t despise everything in the world.”