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In English, над has one main meaning It can only be used as preposition meaning above, over
It evolved from 1 origin. Comes from Proto-Slavic *nadъ.

"над" usage examples

Sentences containing над to see its usage in context.

Russian English
расцветалиbloomed яблониapple trees иand грушиpears , поплылиswam туманыfogs надabove рекойriver .
Apple and pear trees blossomed, fog floated over the river.
вIn дверяхdoors ЭдемаEdem ангелAngel нежныйdelicate главойwith the head поникшеюdrooping сиялshone , аa демонDemon мрачныйgloomy иand мятежныйrebellious надabove адскойHella бездноюabyss летал .
At the door of Eden, a gentle angel shone with drooping head, And a gloomy and rebellious demon flew over the hellish abyss.