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In English, демон has 2 different meanings It can only be used as noun meaning demon (evil spirit) It can only be used as noun meaning daemon

"демон" usage examples

Sentences containing демон to see its usage in context.

Russian English
вIn дверяхdoors ЭдемаEdem ангелAngel нежныйdelicate Главойwith the head поникшеюdrooping сиялshone , Аa демонDemon мрачныйgloomy иand мятежныйrebellious Надabove адскойHella бездноюabyss летал .
At the door of Eden, a gentle angel shone with drooping head, And a gloomy and rebellious demon flew over the hellish abyss.
вIn дверяхdoors ЭдемаEdem ангелAngel нежныйdelicate главойwith the head поникшеюdrooping сиялshone , аa демонDemon мрачныйgloomy иand мятежныйrebellious надabove адскойHella бездноюabyss летал .
At the door of Eden, a gentle angel shone with drooping head, And a gloomy and rebellious demon flew over the hellish abyss.