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In English, быть has one main meaning It can only be used as verb meaning to be
It evolved from 1 origin. Comes from Proto-Balto-Slavic *bū́ˀtei.

"быть" usage examples

Sentences containing быть to see its usage in context.

Russian English
любовьLove ещёmore , бытьto be можетcan , вin душеsoul моейof my угаслаfaded неnot совсемcompletely ;
love may not have died out completely in my soul;
яI васyou любилloved такso искренноsincere , такso нежноgently , какhow дайgive вамto you БогGod любимойbeloved бытьto be другимother .
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, as God grant you to be loved by others.