In English, ах has 2 different meanings It can only be used as interjection meaning ah!, oh! It can only be used as noun meaning ah (an instance of the interjection ах (ax))
It evolved from 1 origin. Comes from Proto-Slavic *axъ.
"ах" usage examples
Sentences containing ах to see its usage in context.
Russian | English |
ах , под сосною , под зеленою , спать положите вы меня ! |
Oh, under the pine tree, under the green one, put me to sleep! |
ах , сосёнушка , ты зеленая , не шуми ты надо мной ! |
Oh, pine tree, you are green, don't make noise above me! |
ах , красавица , душа - девица , полюби же ты меня ! |
Oh, beauty, soul-maiden, love me! |