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In English, положите has 2 different meanings It can only be used as verb meaning second-person plural future indicative perfective of положи́ть (položítʹ) It can only be used as verb meaning second-person plural imperative perfective of положи́ть (položítʹ)

"положите" usage examples

Sentences containing положите to see its usage in context.

Russian English
ахah ,, подunder сосною(with) pine ,, подunder зеленою(with) green ,, спатьsleep положитеput выyou all меняto me !!
Oh, under the pine tree, under the green one, put me to sleep!
айAy - - люлиLyuli , люлиLuli , айAy - - люлиLuli , люлиLuli , спатьSleep положитеPut выyou меняme .
Ay-lyuli, lyuli, ay-lyuli, lyuli, put me to sleep.