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In English, землю has one main meaning It can only be used as noun meaning accusative singular of земля́ (zemljá)

"землю" usage examples

Sentences containing землю to see its usage in context.

Russian English
пустьLet онhe вспомнитremember девушкуThe girl простуюsimple , пустьlet услышитhe hear какhow онаshe поетsings , пустьlet онhe землюEarth сбережетSavings роднуюnative , аa любовьlove КатюшаKatyusha сбережетSavings .
Let him remember a simple girl, let him hear her sing, let him take care of his native land, and let Katyusha save his love.
пустьLet онhe землюland сбережетSavior роднуюnative , аa любовьlove КатюшаKatyusha сбережетSavings .
let him take care of his native land, and let Katyusha save his love.