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In English, вспомнит has one main meaning It can only be used as verb meaning third-person singular future indicative perfective of вспо́мнить (vspómnitʹ)

"вспомнит" usage examples

Sentences containing вспомнит to see its usage in context.

Russian English
пустьLet онhe вспомнитremember девушкуThe girl простуюsimple , пустьlet услышитhe hear какhow онаshe поетsings , пустьlet онhe землюEarth сбережетSavings роднуюnative , аa любовьlove КатюшаKatyusha сбережетSavings .
Let him remember a simple girl, let him hear her sing, let him take care of his native land, and let Katyusha save his love.