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In English, того has 5 different meanings When used as determiner it is inflection of тот (tot): When used as pronoun it is inflection of тот (tot): It can only be used as pronoun meaning genitive of то (to) It can only be used as interjection meaning you know, um (a hesitation marker) When used as adjective it is not right in the head, daft, crazy but it can also mean tipsy, drunk, not great, not very good or even taken care of, murdered

"того" usage examples

Sentences containing того to see its usage in context.

Russian English
проpro тогоthat , которогоwhose любилаloved , проpro тогоthat , чьиwhose письмаletters береглаsaved .
About the one she loved, about the one whose letters she treasured.